Noiselandia – Smart Casual

We’re pleased to announce the release of the first Noiselandia project, Smart Casual. This is a collaboration of Paul Swoger-Ruston and Mikhial Gurarie, mixed in our studio!

Stay tuned for more releases from them!

Superhost on Vimeo

Unstoppable Urges debuted the trailer for Superhost on Vimeo. We had the pleasure of working with them on the audio post-production.

TAMPF Online at Vimeo on Demand

The Amorphous Mind Police Factor: a freaky feature film by Dr. Chris Minz is now available at Vimeo On Demand for rental or purchase.



Dr Minz wrote and directed, and stars Gary Chan, Kelly-Marie Murtha, Timothy Paul McCarthy, Lauren Toyota, Jay Ould, Pamela Palset, Sara Hennessy, Stefan Bitar, Howard Pressburger, Julie McCarthy, Rachel Rain Pakota and Damon White.

Music by Trey Gunn and F.Tyler Shaw.

Our own Mikhial Gurarie did the Audio Post Mix.

Lovers & Fighters

We had the pleasure of doing audio post-production for the new documentary series Lovers & Fighters from Unstoppable Urges Productions. Launching Valentine’s Day, 2015, via Toronto’s NOW Magazine, supported by Bell Local.

Religion, Politics and Scientific Literacy

We live in an era when powerful people, responsible for the welfare of others are willfully illiterate when it comes to science.

It is in fact a breath of fresh air when leaders like the Dalai Lama and even Pope Francis embrace the spiritual beauty of science, rather than encourage environmentally destructive practices based on misinformation and disinformation.

The basic question is can we trust leaders who deny scientific reality? Can they make the best decisions for people if their decisions are made out of superstition and ignorance?

H+ magazine has this article that discusses the issue in depth.

Transhumanism and Scientific Requirements to Hold Political Office

Toronto International Short Film Festival 2014 WEDNESDAY – NOVEMBER 12 – 7:45 PM

The Toronto International Short Film Festival 2014 features a film we did post-production on, “THE MOM” Screening WEDNESDAY – NOVEMBER 12 – 7:45 PM.

The schedule details are in full here.

Humans Need Not Apply

The short film Humans Need Not Apply explores a near future where affordable robots, and robots that create robots take all our jobs. ALL our jobs. Thought provoking and sobering.

Life, Not As We Know It

We’ve tweeted articles about the new generation of telescopes coming online in the near future. Now that we have found planets orbiting our galactic neighbours, and even beyond our galaxy, what could the next great telescope discovery be? According to this Extremetech article, NASA predicts it’s Life.

Life. Not necessarily intelligent, sentient life, or any kind as we know it, but the verification of even any kind of microbial life is proof we are not “alone” in the universe.

Drake’s equation is a means for guesstimating a number of civilizations that could be out there, but the fact of the matter is that if we have evidence of even ONE extra-terrestrial form of life, it means a philosophical paradigm shift bigger than realizing the Earth orbits the moon, and not the other way around.

In fact, one must understand the universe may be full of living organisms, in varieties we cannot even imagine, both in the distant past that we can only now see with the most powerful technology, and the future that will come eons after us.

The alternative belief, that our fragile planet is the only source there was or ever will be, is simply historical.

TAMPF Premieres

THE AMORPHOUS MIND POLICE FACTOR, a film by Chris Minz premieres August 5th, 2014, 7:00 PM at The Royal Cinema, Toronto.

Dr Minz wrote and directed, and stars Gary Chan, Kelly-Marie Murtha, Timothy Paul McCarthy, Lauren Toyota, Jay Ould, Pamela Palset, Sara Hennessy, Stefan Bitar, Howard Pressburger, Julie McCarthy, Rachel Rain Pakota and Damon White.

Music by Trey Gunn and F.Tyler Shaw.

Our own Mikhial Gurarie did the Audio Post Mix.

FUTURA OMNIMEDIA Promo Trailer Online Debut

We are pleased to debut our website promo trailer video today, now live on Youtube and Vimeo.


Produced and Directed by Mikhial Gurarie

Edited by Michael Hansen

Music by Mikhial Gurarie